University of Leuven MRI Reconstruction with Dynamic Field Monitoring, Belgium 2024-25

The University of Leuven is excited to offer a PhD position in MRI Reconstruction with Dynamic Field Monitoring for the academic year 2024-25. This opportunity is perfect for candidates with a Master’s degree in engineering, physics, computer science, or a related field. The selected PhD student will join the Medical Imaging Research Center (MIRC) to develop computational methods that enhance the accuracy of MRI imaging, using a dynamic field camera to monitor and correct field instabilities during imaging sequences.

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This position is not just about research; it’s about making a difference in medical diagnostics. The project aims to improve the quality of MRI images, which are crucial for accurate diagnoses. By joining this program, you’ll be part of a vibrant team at the Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT) and the Department of Imaging & Pathology, working on cutting-edge technology that has the potential to impact healthcare globally.

A Background

At the University of Leuven, the PhD candidate will be immersed in a multidisciplinary research environment, collaborating closely with clinicians and MRI physicists. The focus will be on developing new methods for microstructure imaging that leverage dynamic field monitoring during spiral MRI sequences. This research is critical as it addresses the challenge of magnetic field instabilities that can distort MRI images, leading to more precise and reliable diagnostic tools.

The project is supported by state-of-the-art imaging equipment, including a 3T research MRI system equipped with a dynamic field camera. This scholarship offers a competitive monthly stipend for four years, providing financial stability while you contribute to a field that stands at the intersection of technology and healthcare.

What the Scholarship Offers

The University of Leuven MRI Reconstruction with Dynamic Field Monitoring, Belgium 2024-25, offers a funded opportunity for prospective applicants as follows:

  • A stimulating multidisciplinary research atmosphere at KU Leuven, which is frequently named Belgium’s best institution and the most inventive in all of Europe
  • availability of cutting-edge imaging technology, such as a 3T research MRI machine outfitted with a dynamic field camera (Skope NeuroCam)
  • Opportunities that the university doctoral schools organize for education, training, and career development
  • Opportunity to take part in global conferences and partnerships
  • Great quality of life in Leuven, a charming university town famed for its renowned beer culture, gorgeous and safe surroundings, and lively intellectual atmosphere.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the opportunity, applicants have to meet certain requirements as listed below:

  • All countries are eligible to apply.
  • Acceptable Course(s): Any course that the university offers
  • Acceptable Standards: Candidates must fulfill the requirements listed below:
    • Possess a master’s degree in a related field (such as computer science, physics, engineering, etc.), or be anticipated to complete it by July 2024.
    • fervently interested in science and technology and driven to master new skills
    • strong foundation in medical imaging or image processing, along with practical knowledge in scientific programming
    • Outstanding interpersonal skills and the capacity to work with others in a multidisciplinary research team
    • good academic writing abilities and fluency in English
    • Additional expertise in numerical optimization, mathematical modeling, MRI, programming (Python, Matlab, or C++), and inverse problems is greatly appreciated.

Application Procedure

Follow the process below on how to apply for the University of Leuven MRI Reconstruction with Dynamic Field Monitoring for the 2024-25 academic session: 

  • Interested parties should send a cover letter, a transcript of their academic records, and their complete resume. Prof. Dr. Ir. Daan Christiaens can be reached via email at for further information. September 2024 is the latest possible start date.

NOTE: The deadline for this offer is May 31, 2024.

For detailed information about the University of Leuven MRI Reconstruction with Dynamic Field Monitoring and application guidelines, please visit the official scholarship link.

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