IIE-SRF Fellowship, Canada 2024-25

For international students, the IIE-SRF Fellowship 2024–2025 is a fully financed opportunity. This fellowship is available to support research for doctorates.

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An individual health insurance policy and a stipend of up to US$25,000 are provided by the IIE-SRF Fellowship to support a visiting academic position for a maximum of one year.

A Background

To enable researchers to continue their work in the areas of liberty and security, the Baden-Württemberg Fund sponsors visiting research posts at universities and other higher education institutions in the German state of Baden-Württemberg.  Teachers, senior scientists, and government intellectuals from any country, academic subject, or area who suffer urgent and specific risks to their lives and/or careers in their home countries or countries of permanent residency are eligible to apply as researchers.

In 2002, Dr Henry Jarecki, Dr Henry Kaufman, and Mr Thomas Russo founded the IIE Scholar Rescue Fund (IIE-SRF) as a result of the IIE trustees’ commitment to permanently include rescue scholars in the Institute’s work. Since IIE was established in 1919, safeguarding researchers and students who are in danger has always been at the core of the organization’s goals. IIE has demonstrated its commitment to defending the freedom of thought and the pursuit of knowledge during historical movements such as the Bolshevik Revolution and the Hungarian Uprising.

What the Scholarship Offers

The IIE-SRF Fellowship offers a funded opportunity for prospective applicants as follows:

  • An award of up to $25,000 for personal health insurance
  • a maximum one-year visiting professorship that can be extended for a second year.
  • Several variables affect the ultimate fellowship amount, such as the host university’s location, the cost of living, and the magnitude of any supplemental resources from additional donors or the host institution itself.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the opportunity, applicants have to meet certain requirements as listed below:

  • The required language is English.
  • All nations throughout the world are eligible.
  • Professors, prominent researchers, and well-known academics from any nation, subject, or field of study may be eligible.
  • Academic credentials, the calibre and potential of the candidate’s work, and the gravity of the risks the applicant faces are all taken into consideration while reviewing applications.
  • The following academics are given preference:
    • possess a Ph.D. or the highest degree in their area and/or have substantial experience working as a teacher or researcher in a college, university, or other higher education establishment;
    • are facing urgent, serious, and specific threats to their lives and/or professions in their home countries or countries of residency, or have just left these places;
    • exhibit exceptional academic achievement and prospects;
    • will help the academic community they are hosting or their home.

NOTE: Only doctoral applicants are eligible.

Application Procedure

Follow the process below on how to apply for the IIE-SRF Fellowship for the 2024-25 academic session: 

  • Candidates may submit their applications online directly or by designating a third party to do so on their behalf. The necessary application ingredients consist of:
    • Application Document.
    • Scholarly assertion. Please provide a detailed statement outlining your training, experience, and background in both academia and the workplace.
    • current resume or curriculum vitae.
    • Statement of self. Please give a detailed explanation of your application for funding from IIE-SRF.
    • Two(2) professional or academic letters of recommendation from peers in the field who are qualified to comment on your publishing, teaching, research, or other advanced academic experience.
    • Two(2) individual recommendation letters from coworkers or others who are aware of your work background and the challenges you have been encountering. If at all feasible, have your referees write their letters on formal letterhead and email them directly to srf@iie.org, the address for IIE-SRF.
    • A copy of your Ph.D. or higher degree Samples of your most current writing or research publications.
    • a letter from a university or other recognized educational establishment that could be willing to host your fellowship. It’s not necessary to do this.
  • All application documents should be sent by mail, fax, or email (preferred).
  • The following address is where letters can be sent: Scholar Rescue Fund Institute of International Education, 809 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017-3580 USA.

NOTE: The deadline for this offer is open.

For detailed information about the IIE-SRF Fellowship and application guidelines, please visit the official scholarship link.

Find Out More Scholarship That Fits You? See other scholarships here.

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